If you’ve ever wanted to find Nemo, get a closer look at historic wrecks and enchanting marine life, to find out what it’s like to feel weightless, then Scuba Diving is for you. Ariel Sub-Aqua Club is a very friendly club with frequent social evenings, and lots and lots of diving!
Do you want to experience our BLUE PLANET for yourself?
We train divers from beginner to instructor and run various skills development courses from Boat Handling to Life Saving.
The club is affiliated to the British Sub Aqua Club (BSAC) whose qualifications are recognised worldwide.
Diving trips and holidays
Members organise regular diving trips (day trips, long weekends or longer diving holidays) all around the UK from Dorset and Devon to the more far-flung corners of Scotland and the Scilly Isles. We also visit the warmer waters of the Mediterranean and the Red Sea (including liveaboards) every year.
Already qualified and specialist interests
Already qualified (including with other associations like PADI, SAA etc) and simply want to dive? We offer a friendly environment with lots of diving and opportunities to take your training and experience to new depths.
Interested in seeing wildlife, exploring wrecks, underwater photography…whatever takes your fancy, there are plenty of others in the club to do it with.
Equipment and kit hire
We have a 7m RIB powerboat and a full range of diving equipment for hire at bargain rates – air/nitrox tanks, BCDs and regulators.
How to contact us?
For more information please contact us at: contactus@arieldivers.org

Further Info...
Quiz night, meals out, Xmas party, wines tasting, karaoke etc.
Don’t be a diving widow/widower! Non-diving partners and general hangers-on are welcome to (and many do) come along to all our socials and diving holidays.
Cost to join this Connect Group
£50 per year from 1st April 2023
To dive you will also need to be a member of the British Sub-Aqua Club: £57.50per annum (discounts available for family membership or qualification level) or have your own dive insurance. Please contact us for more information about this if you are interested in joining.
Note, the above fees do not include the cost of training, going on trips, kit hire or purchase, etc.

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